Saturday, October 11, 2008

Farmers' Market

Mr. M. actually gave us decent sleep last night (two 3.25 hour chunks, yeah!), so we had energy on this beautiful fall morning to make an expedition to the farmer's market. Not that it takes a lot of energy - it's only a mile and a half away (but we drove, yes, the idea of being over a mile from home with baby waking up hungry is just not appealing yet) - but we haven't been in months and wanted to get there before it closes for the seaon.

We decided that a crisp fall day deserves baby knitwear!

Aunt Carolyn's hand-spun, hand-dyed, fall leaves-inspired sweater...

And his Mommy-made coming-home-hat (and into the carseat for the ride to the market!)

Moments later - "Mom, Dad, I hate getting buckled in the carseat!"

"Oh, that's better". Sucking really calms him down. We avoided giving him the pacifier for his first 4 weeks, but he really does seem to enjoy it, to combat the "not the carseat!" screams (he will go to sleep once the car is moving) and sometimes to zone out and be zen with before sleeping.

At the market, while Daddy gets green beans for minestrone. We are making soup today completely out of CSA and farmers' market veggies (well, not counting the canned beans and tomatoes).

"Oh no, not a giant leek!"

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I am so excited to see that the sweater kept him cozy at the market. Is there a way to print a real copy of one of those pictures? I would love to put in it our family album.
Minestrone soup sounds good, by the way. :)
Love, Carolyn