Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cactus Pr0n

I wanted to just post a few (heh!) pictures of my week in Phoenix. The work I was doing was really sporadic, requiring me to BE THERE NOW! but only occasionally - most of it was waiting for the times I had to BE THERE (which oddly almost always ended up at 3AM). I know this is very vague, but it's really not all that interesting; it was just annoying and a bit amusing. So I did manage to do some desert hiking / geocaching in South Mountain Park on one day, and to visit the awesome Desert Botanical Garden on another. Thus, I have many pictures of cacti to present. I also visited a very nice LYS (not much of a website, though) where I picked up yarn for hats for Andy and myself (baby alpaca for me; non-wools for him), and sat and knit a spell with the locals.

But anyway. I want to show off these cacti! So, so different than the vegetation in rainy Portland!

These are growing wild in South Mountain Park, encountered while geocaching. I was very grateful that the AZ analog to a parallel pile of sticks is an artfully arranged pile of rocks, and not a spiky pile of cacti!

(self-portait in the desert with camera balanced on a rock)

From the Botanical Garden (which conveniently has a take-your-own-picture stand):

(there was also a butterfly exhibit in a nice humid tent-type thing)

I should note - not only does the camera lens have spots, it is now deciding that perfectly good batteries are drained after a very short time (and when we put them in another device, they are still "full"). So we are probably in the market for a new camera - any suggestions, either raves or cameras to avoid, are welcomed!


lhd said...

Love the pricklies -- not much like New England, either. nice photos. As you may remember, we have a Sony DSC H5, which we really like. It has been replaced by the H9, I think, which has some features that I would have liked, but alas, that model hit the market while we were in Africa, so we had to go with the older one. Is that your felted bag in the photos??

Alison said...

Yep, that's my bag! It's a very nice sturdy size for packing a knitting project, a book, a GPS, and a bottle of water. Not to mention any travel bugs one might come upon! And wool in the desert works just fine as a bag, though I wouldn't want to wear it as a sweater!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison -
we're at the beach and your mom showed me your site. Cool! We went to a yarn store this morning, and have lots of ideas. would love to try a felted bag someday!
aunt e.