Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bits and Pieces of March and April

I'm at that point where it's been so long since I've blogged that it's a negative feedback loop - something neat happens, or I take a great picture, and I think "I should blog this!" but then the thoughts of all the other things I haven't blogged crowd in and the whole task just seems overwhelming. So I'll just jump in with some this-n-that and pictures of late March and the first bit of April.

Malcolm got an ear infection (preceded by about a month of daycare colds) and spend more time than usual napping on us.He was back to his normal self after the first dose of antibiotics, thankfully. And we have now learned that the best way to get said antibiotics into him is to lay him down, have Mommy perform a manic rendition of the Itsy Bitsy Spider while dancing about, and have Daddy squirt the stuff in a bit at a time any time he opens his mouth to grin.

KT had her baby boy, and we sent him a knitted, stuffed bass drum (KT and I met in the marching band in college). Malcolm test-drove it and pronounced it yummy. I did wash before sending :)

Malcolm turned 7 months! And he now pulls Bo the Bear completely in front of him, which makes the picture not so great for showing his growth...Bo knows babies...

Sans Bo.

In early April we got new carpet in the family room - the old was in pretty nasty shape by the walls where, well, the cats (ours and probably previous owners' too) had had their way with it. We figured something new before Malcolm got mobile would be ideal.

Here's a before, in the process of clearing out the room:

And Malcolm, having a last roll on the old carpet:This is all I have time for tonight - new carpet in the next post!

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