Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Major update in a quick post

I meant to do a whole August wrapup during Labor Day weekend, but, well... I went into labor! Here's just a quick photo and I'll try to do a longer blog at some point later - I'd been putting it off without time to do a nice long one, but realized I can just post a quick update...

Malcolm Wolfgram (Andy's lastname) was born at 6:32AM on Wednesday September 3. 7lb 1 oz, 20" long, and neither Andy nor I can remember the head circumference (as a knitter, I'm disappointed in myself). He is literally the cutest and sweetest baby in the world, no offense to any of the cuties out there, and we are over the moon with him.

on his birth day in a hospital volunteer-knit hat:
Me and Malcolm, 1 day old:

Daddy and Malcolm (1 day old) sacked out:
2 days old ready to come home from the hospital in a hat I knit (pattern from KT, yarn from Carolyn):
Finally, a video we shot of his newborn walking reflex once we were home. 3 days old!

Malcolm's walking reflex - 3 days old from Alison on Vimeo.

Signing off for now - will update more baby and knitting (probably not so much geocaching in the near future) soon-ish!


picperfic said...

oh you did have your baby, he is beautiful, thank you for sharing these photos!

kewd said...

:) So nice to see you all, briefly, last night. He is just darling. Congrats again!

alittleweirdo said...

Congrats! glad you're doing well :)